No drama tonight

I pray that our world goes through this night and the next year with far less drama and hurt feelings than we had in 2020. It seems like this past year everyone stepped on everyone else’s toes at some point almost every single day. We, as people of the Earth, should be trying to get along more than we do. But…since Satan caused all of the trouble in the Garden, we have been at each other’s throats in one way or another for the past few thousand years. He is still stirring up trouble between Abraham’s descendants and all of the people in the world who believe differently or look different and he’s doing a good job of it too.

Christians are being persecuted in places sometimes to the point of death or life imprisonment. According to the Bible, we are at the very beginning or the end of a very important part of history. The end of the Grace Age and the beginning of the time of Tribulation. There is little that we can do to change things for good or bad regarding the condition of the world but we should seek Jesus as our Savior on a personal level and tell others about Him as well. As long as the church is here there is a Restrainer called the Holy Spirit that is keeping Satan from doing more damage. Once Jesus comes to call the church to heaven, the Restrainer will leave and the condition of the world will become far worse than it is today.

Drama on Facebook and Twitter won’t even matter when the Tribulation begins. Drama will be whether to take the mark so that you can buy food and pay your bills. Testing of your faith will be a daily struggle for those who choose to follow Jesus after the church is gone. Your faith in Jesus will be an anchor to hold onto but according to the rest of the world at that time, your faith in anyone except the Anti-Christ will be a death sentence. You can choose to believe this or you can read the Bible in the book of Revelation. Life will be cheap and for those who choose to be faithful to their belief in Jesus it will be dangerous. God will not forget you but the world will hate you for your faith, even in your own family. Make sure of your salvation before you hear the news about people disappearing from their jobs and their cars on the highway.

I know, it is not a happy note to leave this year on but this year hasn’t been very happy to begin with. I pray that all who read this will think about their salvation and seek out Jesus as their Savior today because we are not guaranteed tomorrow morning. Happy New Year and pray for our leaders who are in power. Pray that this new year will be a lot better than we’ve had in the past few years. Give your problems and your heart to Jesus for this year and for eternity.

Put your trust in the Lord

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalms 143:8 KJV

Time keeps going faster…

Some of you who read this page may not think so but if you are past the age of forty you kn it’s true. The more candles that are on your cake it seems that the celebration of your birthday comes around faster every year. It’s just the opposite of when you were young. We never thought our birthday would get here and Christmas always seemed so far away.

It doesn’t matter if you celebrate the day of your birth or not, the days go by in the same way every year and every week. The hours in a day have not changed and the same goes for the weeks and the years. It’s our perception of them that has changed from childhood to adulthood.

Time just keeps slipping into the future and there’s nothing that we can do to change that. I know that I used a part of Kansas’ lyrics but it is true. If you are a believer and you read your Bible then you know that we are also coming to the end of the age. How much longer will this be? Nobody on Earth knows for sure but global warming will not end our world it will happen when Jesus comes for His bride, the church, which is made up of those who truly believe God’s Word. Many people and some denominations have gone through the Bible and picked what they will teach and what they will believe and by doing this they are not teaching the full gospel of Jesus or the story that God placed in His Word.

God’s Word is true and it is sound in all of it’s wisdom. One day soon the whole world will know this.

Diligently search for the Lord…

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord , thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11‭-‬13 KJV

Love and prayers can work miracles

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44 KJV

Belief and proof

In our society and in the Christian church, belief is enough through faith to save your soul from hell. But when you do not have faith, belief is a matter of the will, not because of proof. Because for those who do not believe, no amount of proof is sufficient. For those who do believe, no proof is necessary or needed. That is why there are so many in the world who believe in other “gods” and you cannot tell them any different. God grants to each of us an amount of faith so that we will believe His Word and in His Son. To others who will choose not to believe, and God knows exactly who these are, God gives them over to their unbelief so that no matter the amount of proof given they will not believe. To those who truly do believe, by faith, no proof is needed.

I know this sounds cruel because God knows who will believe and who will not but He is not choosing who will and who won’t…it is our choice that determines this. God exists outside of our time and space and He can see your past and future just as He can see every person’s decisions even before they make them. He is not choosing who will and who will not believe in Jesus for their salvation because He already knows who will choose to be saved. Just as in the book of Genesis when Jacob and Esau were still in the womb the scripture says “…God loved Jacob but hated Esau”; lest you think that I’m making this up, here is the scripture from Romans.

“Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”- Rom 9:13

An angel of the Lord told Isaac’s wife that there were two nations in her womb and we see the evidence of it almost every day in the news. The Jewish people are in conflict with those around them today and have been for many years and it won’t stop until the Lord Himself comes back and puts a stop to it. The problem began with Ishmael and continued with Esau and his descendants and it is still going on today. Family feuds are ingrained so deeply until there is little anyone can do to stop them and in this one, only Jesus Christ will bring it to an end.

Belief doesn’t require proof in regard to spiritual things because our Spirit communes with the Lord’s Spirit and proves our belief without having physical proof. Even today people still ask for proof of our Christian faith but what can we give them that they will believe? There is nothing that we can give or show them because belief requires faith and if they do not have faith then they will not believe regardless of the amount of proof that may be given.

The Lord our Righteousness

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord , that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Jeremiah 23:5‭-‬6 KJV

Love is patient

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 1 Corinthians 13:4 KJV

The love that we have through Jesus Christ is the kind that never causes division. Unfortunately in the world today the church is divided over so many things. This is not how Jesus Christ wanted the church to be but it happened early in the church and it has only gotten worse through the years. I pray that you will seek His strength and wisdom by reading the Bible and praying because if we don’t change how will it be done?

What comes next?

This is a question that we are all wondering about but…we’re not sure we really want the answer right now. This past year has been a real rollercoaster ride for the whole world. A virus that came out of China and took the whole world by storm! We didn’t see it coming at least not until a few people were really sick and there was a lockdown going on in China. By that time it had moved across borders to many countries and it just kept spreading. It hasn’t stopped and there are mutations of it now that we really don’t know what they will do…yet. Will the vaccine work on it? Will the vaccine work at all? For how long will we be immune or will we be immune period?

Here in America we will be enduring the next administration coming to the White House. They will undo everything that our current President has done and yet we have to endure it no matter if we voted for Joe Biden or not. I believe that God is punishing us because we haven’t listened to Him and we have not changed as a culture to seek Him. Instead we are pushing Him out of our schools and the workplace and as much as possible we are trying to take any mention of Him out of our government.

Could you truly blame God if He did punish our country and even the world because there are many billions of people on Earth who reject Him and His Son, Jesus? It will not be very long before the entire world will know that He is True and His Word and the prophecies in it are real. Every prophecy in the Bible has come to pass except for the taking away of the church and the prophecies in the book of Revelation. If you don’t believe my writing, seek out the answers in His Word, the Bible, because there are no more prophecies that will come to pass except the two examples that I wrote in the sentence above.

I pray that anyone reading the words that I have written here for the past ten years has taken the advice that I give and sought out Jesus as your Savior. If you have not, please do not put this off because God could require your soul tonight or tomorrow. Not one of us knows when our expiration date here is but God does know. Make sure that you believe in Jesus for your salvation before that day comes because once this life is over, there are no do-overs or respawns after you die.