Have faith!

Abraham had faith in God’s promises so he went to a place that he’d never been before. He even had faith enough to believe God would give him a child in his old age and God did that. So, why do people disregard what God’s Word says about sin and salvation today? Is it because they don’t love God or they just can’t handle the truth? Since the men who wrote the Bible did so by the prompting of the Holy Spirit the Bible is God’s Word not man’s. Yet many in the world hate it and won’t believe it as His Word or as the Truth. People will believe all kinds of stories about “aliens” or evolution but when the Creator, God, puts things in writing that have come true and will come true shortly, many will just ignore Him and anyone who believes His Word.

Why is the Bible disbelieved so vehemently in many parts of the world? Because it does tell us the Truth whether we like it or not. If you look at the historical records of many other people besides the Hebrews, you will notice that their history always has happy endings and good things in it. The Bible tells exactly what the Jewish people did, good or bad, in every situation. Yet it is reversed as their history and taken as completely factual. Yet, many churches don’t believe that it is completely factual in every sentence. Since God inspired the writers to write down His Word and their history shouldn’t we believe His Word as factual and truthful too?

God cannot lie so His Word is absolutely the Truth. But we don’t like to be told that there is a Truth besides our own which is why many people are so against the Bible. Jesus is the only Savior and the Way to be saved from our sins and the consequences of those sins. God’s Word says that “the wages of sin is death (eternal separation from God)”. Jesus is the only way to be free from the punishment brought on by sin. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the only way and I pray that you will…soon.

The end of the age

What does this mean and how can we understand it? The age that Jesus referred to was likely the age of the Church. The comma or the dash between the 69th week of Daniel’s prophecy and the 70th week. That is what we, the Church, have been living through during the past two thousand years. We are at the beginning of the End of the age, not the end of the world. Life is not coming to an end but we are seeing many of the prophecies that Jesus spoke of and some from Daniel and Ezekiel come to pass in the news broadcasts every day.

There is also the expectation of Jesus’ return in the clouds to take His Bride, the Church, home with Him. Many people are asking questions about this and wondering when it might happen. God’s Word doesn’t tell us any specific time or date but with everything that is happening in the world, we need to be seeking Him as our Savior if we haven’t done it before today. People are wondering if it will be possible to accept Jesus even if they are left behind to go through the Tribulation? Yes, God will not turn you away but it will be more difficult and dangerous. This website may not be available during that time. Many churches will be burned down. Even the Bible itself may be banned, so it would be better if you made your decision as soon as possible.

When that day comes…it will happen in the blink of your eye. Many people, young and old, will vanish instantly. There will be no warning, although the Bible does say that there will be a trumpet blast. Even that may be spiritual music so that only those who are about to be taken will hear it. So when it happens most of the world will be completely caught off guard. Make sure that you have given your heart to Jesus before that day comes.

Do you know Jesus?

I don’t mean, “Do you know ABOUT Jesus?”. I mean do you KNOW Jesus? He is the Messiah, the One who came from Heaven to take the punishment for ALL of humanity’s sins. He paid the price for all our souls so we could regain a relationship with God the Father. Like there was in the Garden of Eden in the beginning. God still desires this relationship with as many people who will believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for them. He loves us that much.

Where are you, Lord?

Have you ever been tempted to ask this of Him? I have. The reasons are many and it has happened many times in my life but I’ve come to know that we don’t have to ask this at all. He is always with us if you know Jesus as your Savior. God keeps up with everything that is happening on Earth and He is in control regardless of how things look from our perspective.

Some people are truly wondering if Jesus will come back for His church but be assured, He will. Why am I convinced of this? Because He is our Creator and He cannot lie. He told His disciples that He would come back one day and take every believer to be with Him in Heaven, to His Father’s house, and He will. I know it has been a long time since He left but God has His reasons for not sending Jesus to gather His Bride and bring her to His house. One of those could be that He is waiting for some who haven’t given their hearts to Jesus yet. He knows how many more there will be and He’s waiting for them.

There are other reasons as well and we don’t know what they are. Only the Father knows, just as Jesus said. Are we living in the “last days” or the “end times”? Yes, the time just prior to the Tribulation is where we are right now. If you are not sure of your salvation then you need to make sure before that day comes. The trumpet of God will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up to heaven to be with Him forever. Some people think that everyone will hear the trumpet of God and some believe that only believers will hear it. Either way, the world will know that something momentous has happened.

I pray that anyone who has questions about salvation or eternity will seek a pastor or even contact me. I’m not a scholar but I have read through God’s Word more than ten times and I study His Word daily. I was a pastor for nine years and I pray that you will seek Jesus for your salvation soon.

Those who will be in hell

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Revelation 21:7‭-‬8 KJV

When it says, “He that overcometh”, Jesus was speaking of those who have given their hearts to Him and follow Him during the Tribulation. But…if you choose to follow the world and all of its “pleasures” and choose not to give your life to Jesus and be His disciple so you can overcome the world, then you will be thrown into the lake of fire one day and that will be your eternity. God loves all of His creation including you and me and everyone on Earth, but if you choose to live your life without Jesus it is your choice that will send you to hell.

You have this life to choose your pathway and it is your choices that will determine your eternal home. Make the right choice and choose Life with Jesus.

Jesus loves you!

This song that most of us have heard and sung as children, is very relevant today. Because Jesus does love all of us. He may not like your lifestyle or the places you’ve been lately if you haven’t accepted Him as your Savior but He still loves you just the same. Why am I starting this article this way? Because, everyone needs to know that they are loved by God and our Creator, Jesus. It doesn’t matter if you are three years old or ninety-three years old, we need to know that we are loved by Him.

God looks at the heart of each one of us and regardless of how much we think we have messed up our life…we are still loved. We are created in His image after all and God loves us. “What if I don’t believe in God?”, you might ask. To that, I will say that God believes in you and He loves you. Not the celebrity, not the Congressman or Congresswoman, not the “profession” that you work at. God loves you!

We are all made up of three parts, just as God is a Triune being so are we. We have a physical body and our mind and our soul and it is our soul that stands out when God looks at us. That is the part of us that He wants to bring salvation to before the end of our life in our physical body. If you have given your “heart” to Jesus then He has your soul and one day in heaven your soul will be reunited with your resurrected body physically. I know, right now it doesn’t make much sense but one day in the near future it will. Work toward that goal in your life today to know Him as your Savior by accepting Him as your Savior by your belief in Him.

What difference can you make?

Can you imagine the difference that you or I can make in the world? Most of us don’t think that we can make a difference in the world. Yet, some of us do go into the world with a dream of making a difference. Some of those start political careers. Some start ministries to reach people who need to know Jesus as their Savior. Some begin to get people together and start a movement that will bring change to our society in one way or another. Which of these do you fit in? Which one will make the biggest difference in the world?

Most of us could not answer that last question because we just don’t know. Jesus’ ministry only lasted for three years but it began changing the world before the first century was over and it hasn’t stopped since. The mother of Moses did not throw her boy in the river to be drowned but she put him in a basket and he was raised as an Egyptian prince and later came back and freed the Israelites with help from God of course. His life had an effect on the lives of millions of people.

There are many stories like his in the Bible and in many other history books. Some of the stories are about people who didn’t seem to have influence or power but before their life was over God had used them in mighty ways. God has a plan for each of us even before we are born but the only way that we will find out about it is if we will seek His will for our lives and that only comes by faith and by reading His Word. God’s will is found all through the Bible, for His people, and for you too if you will listen to Him while you read it.

Some people try to discredit the Bible or the stories in it as myths or fables but most of them have found that when they try to do this, God always has the upper hand. He always shows us that He is in charge even when we don’t believe in Him. Even when we don’t want to believe in Him. Usually, that is when He shows you some truth that can’t be explained away other than with faith.

So…is it possible for someone from a small town in Mississippi to touch many lives with the message of salvation in Jesus Christ? It is because you are reading it or at least one of the stories that I have put here. Jesus came to Earth two millennia ago and His ministry only lasted for three years but with twelve disciples plus Paul, salvation and its message has been printed in nearly all of the known languages of the world! Most of the world knows His name and His message of salvation. Believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation and you will be saved!

That is all that the thief had to believe in and Jesus told him that he would be with Him in Paradise that day! No baptism, no ministry needed, no amount of money had to be given because let’s face it the thief couldn’t do any of those things. Don’t wait until you hear the news of the rapture of the church…give your heart and your life to Jesus today!


God has plans for you!

Jeremiah 29:11 gives us hope in this: 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Why do people deny that God exists? God knew you before the world was created and you can find this in the book of Jeremiah as well. My point? God knew each of us because He has always lived outside of time and He can see your birth and your death but He has plans for your life. All that you need to do is seek Him for your salvation and repent of your sinful life and follow Jesus.

Jesus came to give each of us on Earth hope for eternity with God in Heaven. I’ve heard that many people think that IF they get to Heaven, there will be nothing to do there. God is not going to give us eternity without something for us to do. He will have something for us to do, of this I am sure. It will not be boring!

I pray that everyone who reads this page and posts will pray for someone that you know. Whether that person is battling cancer or covid or if they need to know Jesus as their Savior. Each of us needs to pray for one another and we certainly need to pray for our country as well. Inflation is coming, food seems to be getting scarce because of supply lines not having enough drivers to deliver to stores. The next few years are going to be difficult and no amount of “printed money” will help us at home.

Keep looking up and make sure that He knows you so that you will be called when the Trumpet blows…you will be with those meeting their Savior in the air!!

Can we relate?

Consider this: God the Son comes to Earth as a man, dies on a cross to redeem mankind’s sins as a human being and then rises again from the dead to be alive forever as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He was called the Living Word of God and the Son of God as well as many other names in the Old Testament. What I am bringing to your attention here is that He is the Creator of…everything. Perfect in judgment and unbounded in His love for us, sinless and Holy yet compassionate and caring. What can we, as humans, compare to Him? Even though His love for us is beyond our comprehension, His justice toward those who refuse His gift of grace and mercy is still righteous.

So…can we relate to Him? Can we understand Him? Only with the Holy Spirit guiding us and directing us can we possibly grasp even a tiny fraction of Who He is while in our mortal frame. His holiness would cause us to fall on our face so we could not look at Him in His glorified state. But He spent three years or so with a group of men, teaching them and showing them and many others the love of God. Not the vengeance and wrath of God but the caring and loving God that many people didn’t think existed. He showed compassion even to the demons when they asked to be sent into the herd of pigs rather than outer darkness.

Jesus is the embodiment of God’s love and compassion but when He returns He will also be judge to all of the nations who didn’t treat His Bride, the Church, very well. He will also be the judge of all who were against the Jewish nation over the many thousands of years past and up to the present time.

All of us who call Him our Savior and Lord were chosen by Him before the foundation of the world was set in its place. God was never caught off guard by the rebellion of Lucifer and those who followed him. God knew that with the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil mankind would rebel against His rule and determine to follow their own way. Today you can see it happening everywhere and it is getting worse as time moves toward the end of the age. When that day will be nobody knows but nearly everyone will know when it does happen. It will catch many people by surprise because they didn’t care to notice the signs ahead of time. Everyone who has ever gone to Sunday school or church or a revival or to Bible camp will recognize what has happened. Especially those who are left behind to see the anti-Christ come to power.

I pray that before that day arrives many more will come to know Jesus as their Savior because the time that will come after the church is taken up will be like hell on Earth for seven years.

Do you know…

God? He has loved humanity ever since the beginning and before because we were thoughts in His mind before the world was created. Yet, people today seem more willing to believe that we evolved from a bacteria into a fish then into a mammal then into an ape that started walking more upright and became a man. For me, it takes much more “faith” to believe the evolutionary theory than it does to believe God’s Word. But, I’m just a Christian who believes the Word of God is the Truth…so what do I know?

I know that God is real and that He shows up in the most unexpected ways and places, especially when people aren’t expecting Him to show up at all.

Our country and the whole world needs Him and should be seeking Him today, right now! But there are so many who aren’t and many of those are trying their best to have any mention of Him taken out of any discourse or area of influence that they can get away with. He will not be ignored and His Presence in the world at large will accomplish His purpose whether the world believes in Him or His Son, Jesus, or not! So much of our world today is in turmoil because of religion and the beliefs of some fanatic believers that think they can cause their “messiah” to show up because of the strife and hatred that they are spreading around the world.

God will show up one day and He will be the victorious One over all. It won’t be our ideas or ideals that causes the last battle at Armageddon but it will be our lack of belief and our refusal to give our hearts to Jesus. Read the book of the Revelation. It tells how things will be and how bad the whole world will become during that time. God’s Word is the Truth whether you believe it or not.

This book was given to John the apostle on the Isle of Patmos as a revealing of what will happen after the Bride of Christ, the church, is taken up. Read it, pray about it, and give your heart to Him today because none of us is guaranteed tomorrow.