We hear but do we act on it?

This is one of the complaints I hear from outside the church, “Why doesn’t the church help more people?”. You know, Jesus went all over Israel during His ministry helping and healing those who were seeking God’s help. He did His job so why does the church find it hard to do those things which need to be done? Too many hands out? Too much red tape or paperwork?

What if Jesus had looked at us and thought the same way toward us?

The Cross…

God knew how to put us together because He had done it before. Every cell, whether it is a muscle cell or a nerve cell is there for a reason. Just like each of us who have a purpose and so do each one of our cells. This molecule is the “glue” which holds our cells and our body’s systems together. God’s Word points us in this direction because it says so.

God is doing something new!

God can do amazing things in your life and mine if we will give Him our hearts. Follow Him totally in your life not just a little while on Sunday or on a holiday. When the disciples began following Jesus, did they follow Him one day every week or were they with Him every day until His ministry was ended on the day of His crucifixion? Even though His message has been taken around the world since His resurrection because His disciples never stopped. The rivers of life in a wasteland are the the gospel of Jesus has gone all over the world.


This past week has been cold all over the United States. Why would I celebrate this cold and dangerous time in our country? Everything in our country can’t always be good and equitable for everyone. Life always has ups and downs. Good days and bad.

God loves each of us and offers us eternity with Him so why do people refuse His offer? We go through trials and trouble and problems with our bodies and at our jobs and even with our relationships. Sometimes we depend on God for our help with these things and sometimes we tell Him that we can handle it even when we know that we can’t. Oh, we may not actually tell Him that we will handle things but when we don’t seek His help with whatever it is then we are telling Him to His face that we can do it. He will let us try and usually we will fail. Then, if we have any conscience at all, we will seek His help to fix the mess that we have now.

After all of this ice and snow melts we will have really mushy yards and mine is already on its way to being that way. It is pretty when it falls and stays for a while but it is a pain and so muddy when it is melting and going away. That is another way of looking at our life with or without Jesus in it. I’m not saying that becoming a Christian will solve all of your problems immediately because it won’t. Satan will still attack you on many fronts and try to take your witness away or at least mess it up so that people who don’t really know you will just dismiss your witness as fake.

That is why when the ice storms and the hail and sleet come into your life as problems and pains and broken hearts, make sure that you turn to and lean on Jesus. He can strengthen you and give you the faith and ability to get through all of these problems. Some people will scoff at this but God does care about each of us and He will be near you in all of your problems IF you give your heart to Him and repent of your sins. Don’t expect Him to comfort you if you don’t belong to Him. That would be like expecting a total stranger to comfort you and take care of your needs. Some people might but not all.

God has always been close to humanity because of Israel and the Jewish people. He always has His attention on us and if you are a believer He knows you more intimately than anyone.

You are blessed…

In all of the days that we need Jesus, He is there. During the times that we think we don’t need Him, He is there. At the time that we truly need Jesus, He is as close as a prayer and right next to us. He never leaves us alone.

Beautiful but deadly

There is much beauty in the ice and snow that covers the trees and the ground but they can be deadly. God’s love is extended to everyone who wants it, see that you seek Him as your Savior while there is time. The creation that is all around us that is sparkling and pretty right now won’t last and the effect that it is having on our country will get better after all of it melts. Yes, it seems like winter is taking a little while longer to go away but it will. I pray that those who have had pipes to burst or have been without power for a few days will get some help to stay warm.

If there was something that I could do for those in need I would but all that I can do is pray and that is the easy part. God will provide for you if you will depend upon Him for your needs and your rescue. Seek Him for your help and for your Salvation and both will come.