Confusion and anarchy

It seems that these two words define most of the “news” we hear or read about these days. Both of them cause the other so they just feed off of each other and no improvement is seen anywhere they happen to be. The Bible gives us a clear picture of what it will be like leading up to the time of the Tribulation and it is matching up pretty well. God’s Word doesn’t specifically name countries and people involved but reading Matthew 24 and Ezekiel 9 and the beginning chapters of Revelation they all read as if you are looking at today’s newspaper article (if anyone reads those anymore).

Jesus told His disciples that these things would happen, that it would be like the days of Noah before the end of the age. Persecution of the church is growing here as well as in other countries. Freedom of religion is being watered down so that it barely gives any freedom to the Christian church. Limits on what can be preached and where our religion is looked on as hate speech in some areas of the country. The country that we grew up in doesn’t resemble the America that you see on the news broadcasts. It has become much worse than I’d ever dreamed that it would and the reality is that it won’t get better regardless of the person in the White House.

We have to look up for our salvation and our Redeemer is drawing nearer every day.

God never says anywhere in the Bible that He hates the sinner. He only hates the sin that they live in. Those sins are given in God’s Word and I’m not going to list them here. Most people who are living in sin know which sins they are committing and they don’t have to be told. So why do so many in the world refuse to accept the mercy and grace that God offers through belief in Jesus Christ?

Partly because of pride in their own beliefs and traditions. Many refuse because of the requirements of their religious training as a child and because they will be disowned or beaten and sometimes killed for giving their heart and their life to Jesus Christ. Then there are some cults in the world that have changed the Bible into something that they can believe in but they have demoted Jesus to “a son” of God. Christians are taught that we should “turn the other cheek” but we should at least try to win our brother or sister or our best friend to Jesus Christ if they will listen. Telling family about Jesus is a very hard thing to do because most of the time the family has been to church together. You and your brother or sister may have been baptized in the church.

The problem is usually something that has been named “cultural Christianity”. Everyone that you know or grew up with has gone to or attended church. Everyone around you has heard the sermons and maybe even been baptized after a revival. The problem shows itself in their lives after being baptized. They live and work as if they’ve never heard about Jesus but they know about Him and God too. Usually they will even say, “The Big Guy and I have an arrangement”.

God doesn’t make “arrangements” with people and He isn’t the “Big Guy upstairs” either. God doesn’t like being represented by a carved image nor does He like being referred to by some made up name. He is God the Father, Elohim, or Yahweh but I wouldn’t give Him a name other than those found in the Bible. He is the Creator of all things and the Ancient of Days but no other name than these.

Living your life out of sync with the Bible and the way that is described in the New Testament after you have been baptized is incompatible with true repentant Christianity and it’s wrong. Why? Because if someone sees you living this way and you tell them that you are a Christian they will think that it is acceptable to go out and drink and do things that you wouldn’t want your Mom to see you doing. The reality is that God knows you and He can see every thought and every sin that you do, regardless of where you are or who you are with.

Real wisdom…

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord , and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:7 KJV

When the Bible says to fear the Lord it that you must have a respectful attitude toward Him. The same attitude that we had toward our elders, like our grandparents, which seems to have been lost during the past decade. God is your Creator and He knows what is best for you even when you can’t see it.

There should be no division in the church

That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. 1 Corinthians 12:25‭-‬27 KJV

One message in its pages

Ever since mankind began writing he has recorded important facts pertaining to his history and all kinds of important details of life in the ages past. We have books and written history going back thousands of years at least back as far as the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Hebrew writings of Moses. Some have questioned the authenticity of God’s Word over the centuries but there are more accurate copies of the books that make up the Bible, even the New Testament than there are of other profound works such as Iliad and other Greek tales that no one questions.

The message which is stated in the Bible, from Genesis to the book of Revelation, is about God’s love for humanity. Specifically for the Jewish nation but His love extends to all of the people of the world as well. In the gospels, Jesus says that his disciples will take this message to the whole world and in the two thousand years since His resurrection it has been taken or it is available to everyone who is seeking salvation through Him. That message is that we are loved by the Creator with a love that we just cannot understand on our own.

C.H. Spurgeon said it this way in a sermon and it is more true today than ever:

See what vitality the gospel has! Plunge her under the wave, and she rises the purer from her washing; thrust her in the fire, and she comes out the more bright for her burning; cut her in sunder, and each piece shall make another church; behead her, and like the hydra of old, she shall have a hundred heads for every one you cut away. She cannot die, she must live; for she has the power of God within her. (C. H. Spurgeon)

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In chapter one of the gospel of John he writes:

The Beginning

(Genesis 1:1-2)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

The message conveyed in the Bible from beginning to the end is the same one found in John 3:16, 17. Here is the text of those passages:

For God So Loved

(Genesis 22:1-10Romans 5:6-11)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Anyone who seeks Him will find Him and in Him they will be saved and have life eternal with Him in heaven. The message is simply: God loves you and me and the whole world, that is why Jesus came to live and die and rise again.

The Truth of Jesus’ ministry

There is so much evidence for Jesus and yet there are so many who refuse to believe in Him. There are thousands of historical documents which were written within a few years of His death and resurrection and still people refuse to believe what their heart tells them is true. Why is that? There are many reasons—pride, selfishness, ego, or just plain stubbornness.

Some of it is just plain stubborn pride. Pride in the works of others who didn’t want to believe the Truth. Pride in themselves because they were going to live their life the way they wanted to live it. The problem with that is this: they have no hope. Jesus gives us hope for the future and forgiveness for our sins. So what do you hope in? Who do you place your hope…your faith in? There is only One person that deserves your hope and your faith and that is Jesus Christ the Son of God!

The whole of creation shows us implicitly and without question Who we should believe in. So why do we try to place our hope in flawed human beings? Or in something that another person tells us is the “One”? All of these hopes that we make for ourselves…that we create for ourselves are just that…man-made and they do not have any power or purpose. The reason that we try to make or believe in something that is just another part of creation is because of Satan himself. He is trying to take as many people away from God as he can in the time that he has left and it isn’t much.

The reality of Jesus Christ is that He was with God at the beginning and He came to Earth to live with us and as a human being so He could truly identify with our pains and worries and our temptations. He is also coming back soon to take His bride, the Church, back to the place that He has prepared for her. The believers in the world are the Bride of Christ so you can believe or not, it is your choice. But the day that He calls the Church to His home is coming soon. Make sure that you are one of those who will be called home.

The prophetic blessing

Many churches today seem to be questioning God’s Word and its significance or even its truthfulness. Some are not preaching from the book of Revelation. They don’t preach about the end times or they don’t preach about what it means to be a Christian because they don’t want to offend anyone.

The blessing which God gave to Moses for Aaron to bless Israel with begins in the book of Numbers chapter 6: 22-26: …On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them, 24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Why is Christianity offensive to some or possibly most people today? Because they don’t like a religion which tells them the Truth and gives them limits or rules to live their lives by. Are we supposed to water down God’s Word during these troubled times that we are living in? Absolutely not!! God’s Word doesn’t become washed out nor are we supposed to temper it with less force where it calls sin a sin so that people will know for sure those things which are pleasing to God and which are not.

The Bible is God’s Word and we are to teach all of it to our children and to those who will hear it. Today it seems that there are many who do not want to hear the Truth found in the Bible and that is sad. What surprises me is that some of the preachers and evangelists of the 20th century like Billy Graham and A. W. Tozer and others were seeing people turn away from sound teaching even sixty years or more in the past. The world around us has grown bitter toward the Truth found in the Bible today. Many churches and denominations have begun “watering down” their messages and that is not what we are supposed to do.

I am not ashamed of the gospel and I will not water it down or change its message to suit others feelings. A preacher should preach the whole Word of God without picking and choosing the parts that please men’s ears. Jesus didn’t back away from telling His critics what God’s Word says and we shouldn’t back away from the Truth found in it either. The whole Bible points us to Jesus Christ and He is our Savior and Redeemer and there is no other way to come to the throne of God except by belief in Jesus Christ as your Savior.

The blessing of God will not fall on someone who doesn’t believe His Word is true. Knowledge of God and His Scriptures is only knowledge and doesn’t save your soul. Believe in Jesus for your salvation and then turn away from your old lifestyle and live your life in service to Him.