The end of the age

What does this mean and how can we understand it? The age that Jesus referred to was likely the age of the Church. The comma or the dash between the 69th week of Daniel’s prophecy and the 70th week. That is what we, the Church, have been living through during the past two thousand years. We are at the beginning of the End of the age, not the end of the world. Life is not coming to an end but we are seeing many of the prophecies that Jesus spoke of and some from Daniel and Ezekiel come to pass in the news broadcasts every day.

There is also the expectation of Jesus’ return in the clouds to take His Bride, the Church, home with Him. Many people are asking questions about this and wondering when it might happen. God’s Word doesn’t tell us any specific time or date but with everything that is happening in the world, we need to be seeking Him as our Savior if we haven’t done it before today. People are wondering if it will be possible to accept Jesus even if they are left behind to go through the Tribulation? Yes, God will not turn you away but it will be more difficult and dangerous. This website may not be available during that time. Many churches will be burned down. Even the Bible itself may be banned, so it would be better if you made your decision as soon as possible.

When that day comes…it will happen in the blink of your eye. Many people, young and old, will vanish instantly. There will be no warning, although the Bible does say that there will be a trumpet blast. Even that may be spiritual music so that only those who are about to be taken will hear it. So when it happens most of the world will be completely caught off guard. Make sure that you have given your heart to Jesus before that day comes.

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