Praise the Lord

I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: And I will sing praises unto thee among the nations. For thy mercy is great above the heavens: And thy truth reacheth unto the clouds. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: And thy glory above all the earth; That thy beloved may be delivered: Save with thy right hand, and answer me. Psalm 108:3‭-‬6 KJV

I was watching a sermon recently and the pastor was speaking of how we go to games or races and we shout and scream for our team to win and if they do we scream even more. Then, when we come to God’s house on Sunday, we sit there as if we are dead and can’t seem to get excited enough to light a match. What is wrong with this? The thing that is wrong is that we don’t want to praise the Lord so enthusiastically that we draw attention to ourselves. We view worship as a somber and quiet affair when all of Heaven shouts for joy when just one person comes to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

If you can’t endure an hour of praise for the grace and mercy that God has given you on Sunday how are you going to live in Heaven for eternity? I realize that most of us were raised in churches that don’t get excited about salvation or about God even but He gets excited about your salvation so why can’t you get excited about Him? The One that you worship and depend on every day, or at least you should, is the Creator of everything that you see and feel every day!

God loves each one of us but it is our sins that place a barrier between us and Him. All that we need to do is repent of those sins and turn to Him for our salvation by believing that He died for us and paid the price for our sins. Don’t turn away from Him when you feel His call in your heart. No one is guaranteed tomorrow so make sure of your salvation today.

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