
Why do people reject the good news of Life found in Jesus Christ? Even when the gospel has been preached for 2,000 years in churches everywhere, the world still rejects it in favor of their idea of living. It seems that most people don’t want to know the good news. Many don’t care if there is a life after this one and they don’t care if there are circumstances for any of the sins in their lives no matter how insignificant they may be.

God’s Word tells us exactly how He views sin, even “little sins”. To God, all sin is disobedience and wrong. There are no little ones or big ones. What can we do to live with Him in His home? First, we must admit that we are sinners and we won’t even do that unless the Holy Spirit convicts us of those sins. When He does that, He gives us the faith to believe in Jesus and come to Him. Our response should be to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit and accept our salvation as His gift to us for obeying Him. Most of the time we will respond that way but some people listen to their own “conscience” and choose not to admit anything. When that happens, they are listening to a suggestion from Satan.

Satan and his fallen angels, demons, are real and they don’t want you to accept Jesus as your Savior. Their mission has always been to corrupt God’s plans in any way they can. But…they can’t stop God’s plans. If He intends for you to be saved and give your life to Jesus, you will. It may be at the last moment, but it will happen. Please don’t turn away from the voice of the Holy Spirit because He is calling you to be a child of God. Some people will turn away and when that happens, they can’t be brought back to the point of knowing their need for Jesus. It is a sad thing for this to happen but it happens, even in the church.

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