Don’t worry…

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:34 KJV

Worry is practical atheism. You don’t think God is going to come through for your needs. There are many other ideas that we get in our minds which get in your way, keeping our minds all stirred up. Put your trust in Jesus, give Him your trouble and your problems and LEAVE THEM THERE!

Most of us pray about our needs and our trouble but we don’t thank Him for the life that He has given us. We may not even pray about our friends and family. We just ask God to take care of those on our prayer list. That’s not specific prayer, it’s just a general open prayer.

Make sure that you are praying specifically and purposefully for everyone on your list. The list may be long but God hears your prayers.

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